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Season Honours 2024
Woodvale FC had another successful season on the pitch, especially in the Juniors age group.
We had three league winners this year, the U15 DV2, U16 DV4 and U18 DV3. Also, in the semi-finals where U14 DV2 and U16Girls DV3.
Our U14 DV2, U16Girls DV3, U16 DV4 and U18 DV3 teams progressed onto the finals.
With our U14 DV 2 wining their final.
Well done to all the teams.

Kai Nell Award 2024
The club’s most important award is presented annually to members who go above and beyond for Woodvale FC, giving their time selflessly year after year.
This year’s recipient Andrew Park more than fits that bill.
Andrew was a coach for 4 years from 2015 & was also on the committee for 6 years from 2019, undertaking many roles including Kit & Merchandise Officer, Sponsorship Officer, Master of Records, Social Media, & Secretary.
In 2021 Andrew also organise our light up event when the Council placed new lights onto Timberlane Park. This was an afternoon/evening event. Andy organised all our teams to play each other from U5 up to over 45’s, food trucks, raffle items, alcohol license and entertainment.
In 2023 Andrew also took the role on for setting up a Club Canteen at Chichester Club Rooms. This was a success. Andrew also spent a lot of his time investigating our Club history for a report to give to the City of Joondalup.
Apart from the above Andrew is always actively participating in his children’s teams. While coaching a team for one son he would also be running the line for his other son’s team at games.
We are very grateful for his time, and we appreciate everything he does.
Previous Winners
2018 - Dan Hodgson
2019 - Harry Clarke
2020 - Simon Seabrook
2021 - Janelle Potter
2022 - Martyn Day
2023 - Manni Dierson
Life Members
2017 - Chris Jeffries
2018 - Craig Potter
2018 - Julie Lacey
2021 - Steve Goff
2022 - Rob Fairholme

Optus Stadium – AC Milan & Roma Parade 2024
Football West this year gave out 40 tickets to each club. These lucky children got to experience the exciting on-pitch atmosphere at Optus Stadium before the AC Milan & Roma game.